

Simplifying File Uploads In Custom WordPress Meta Boxes

The Problem with Default WordPress File Uploads The default WordPress media uploader tool provides a user interface for uploading files that many users find unintuitive and confusing. There is no visual progress indicator when uploading files, so users are left wondering if their upload succeeded. Additionally, there is very little error handling for failed uploads….

Scaling WordPress For High Traffic Sites: Caching, Cdns, And Optimization Strategies

Leveraging Caching Plugins to Improve Page Speed Installing caching plugins like WP Fastest Cache or WP Rocket Caching plugins like WP Fastest Cache and WP Rocket can dramatically improve WordPress site performance by caching rendered web pages, avoiding resource-intensive database queries and PHP processing on each page load. When enabled, these plugins generate static HTML…

Optimizing WordPress Post Meta Performance: Caching, Indexing And More

WordPress stores post meta data – information about posts like titles, descriptions, tags, categories, custom fields – in the database. Accessing and outputting this meta data on each page view can slow down load times if not properly optimized. In this 6000-word guide, we’ll cover multiple strategies for improving WordPress meta data performance including caching,…